Ceramic Pot Magnets

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    0.00 — 2.59

    Holding Force-

    0.00 — 68.00


    0.00 — 1.50

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Ceramic Assemblies are permanently embedded in epoxy plastic and are typically more economical than Alnico assemblies. The ceramic magnet material possesses high coercive force and resists demagnetization from heat, vibration, and electrical fields. Most of our ceramic assemblies are permanently embedded in epoxy plastic. They are typically more economical than Alnico assemblies and can be used in temperatures up to 180°F. Temperatures higher than 180°F can cause the standard epoxy that holds the magnet material to fail. Higher temperature epoxy is available on special order. Ceramic Holding Assemblies resist demagnetization by vibration and electrical fields.

They are ideal for use as work holders on welding machines for spot welding applications and other equipment with strong demagnetizing fields. Cylindrical Ceramic Holding Assemblies can be specially installed by a simple press fit with only a slight reduction in holding values.

Common applications include reed switches, loud speakers, security systems, audio and television and also holding devices such as pot magnets. Ceramic or Ferrite magnets are often used in electrical motor applications.